Fiorentino Bros. Contracting Ltd.
Road Building – Land Clearing – Mining – Earthmoving Equipment Rentals
Cranbrook BC, Canada
Sparwood BC, Canada
Fiorentino Bros. Contracting has a long-established record as a service provider to the forest industry having built several thousand kilometres of logging and access roads. Other projects undertaken over the years have covered an incredible range of activities as diverse as the industrial and social profile of the region itself.
In all projects the primary goal is to use FBC’s experience and skill to meet and surpass customer needs through timely and cost-efficient service. At the same time work is completed with a strong commitment to worker health and safety and with full recognition of the need to minimize the impact of industrial activities on the environment.
Fernie, B.C. Landfill Closure, 2007:
20 Hectares Area - Project Cost $3,500,000
Consisted of cleaning up the site, burying garbage and debris. Install methane gas collection system throughout the whole area. Fifty percent of this area was covered with 1m of clay cap, remaining area was covered with geotextile and geomembrane cover. In order to protect Coal Creek and the Elk River; storm drainage and settling ponds were incorporated during the construction stage. On completion the entire area was seeded.
Cranbrook, B.C. Landfill Closure, 2008:
10 Hectares Area - Project Cost $3,100,000
Strip vegetation, reshape landfill garbage, install 500mm cover layer, install gas collection system, install geosynthetic cover, install 200mm cover layer and install 300mm topsoil. Construct surface water drainage features around project. Entire area was fenced and seeded with native grass seed.
Moyie River Placer Mine Project, 1980 - 2010:
Over a 15-year period Fiorentino Bros. Contracting excavated in excess of two million cubic yards of extreme hard-consolidated clay at this project located on the Moyie River about 32 kilometres (20 miles) west of Cranbrook. The majority of the work involved the excavation of mining pits down to the bedrock level. The depth of these pits ranged from 14 to 27 metres (45 to 90 feet).
At the pit bottom the aged bedrock was exposed and then excavated for processing through a washing plant to extract the nugget type gold. In addition to the pit excavations, river diversions were required at five different locations in order to access the gold bearing channels. Later most pits were back filled, re-contoured and reclaimed with grass and trees, while others were developed into lakes and marsh lands for wildlife habitat.
In recognition of maintaining a balance between mining development and environmental protection, Fiorentino Bros. Contracting received a citation award in 1989 from the Mining Association of B.C. for outstanding reclamation at the Moyie River Placer Mine.
All work was performed with the approval and cooperation of the Federal Department of Fisheries and Ocean, and the B.C. Fish and Wildlife Branch, Ministry of Environment – Waste Management, Ministry of Forests and of the Ministry of Mines.
Lake Koocanusa Marina Project, 1998:
Koocanusa Lake, which is a 200-kilometre-long man-made hydro-electric generating reservoir on the Kootenay River extending from southeastern BC into northern Montana, has grown into a major recreational area in the past decade.
FBC was hired to develop a three-season pleasure-craft marina, near the north end of the lake. The lake bottom in the marina area was excavated to a depth of nine metres (30 feet) to accommodate water craft during low water levels. The project was built in late winter before lake level was affected by heavy spring runoff which contributes to the seasonal rise in reservoir water levels. The marina has become an active summer recreational service for the tourists and locals.
Regional District of East Kootenay - New Waste Disposal Facilities, 1999:
This 40-acre project, to develop a new regional sanitary landfill site, was undertaken by FBC despite a one-month completion deadline. The work on the project, located about 10 kilometres north of Cranbrook, included logging, clearing, grubbing and burning the logging debris; stripping and stock piling top soil from the entire site; excavating 100,000 cubic yards of hard consolidate clay for the construction of the waste cells; and building access roads and storage pad areas. The entire 40-acre site was also enclosed with chain link and electrified bear fencing. This project was completed on time and within the RDEK’s budget.
Fernie, B.C. Ghost Rider Development, 2000- 2003:
A $3 million, three-year FBC project involved development of a high-profile area on the east-side of Fernie, BC that today accommodates a range of uses including a commercial and retail development, public recreation and wildlife habitat.
The project, sited on an environmentally sensitive area along the Elk River, involved development of an 18-acre commercial site, a six-acre man-made lake, and five acre wildlife wet land area. The project also involved rebuilding and armouring a section of the Elk River dyke and enhancement of important trout fishery habitat.
The Elk River is recognized as one of the top 10 fly-fishing streams in North America. With its high fishery value along with the value of nearby fish-bearing feeder streams such as McDougal Creek, this project required much sensitive work to prevent silt from damaging fish habitat.
To bring the elevation of the 18-acre site above the 200-year flood plain, more than 350,000 cubic yards of fill was needed to raise the area about eight feet. The majority of the fill for this project was taken from the excavation of the on-site, six-acre lake developed while the balance of material was imported to site.
The Elk River dike was rebuilt and armoured with rip rap to protect the newly developed area from potential flooding. New large fish-bearing culverts were installed under the dike to improve the water quality and enhance the fish habitat on McDougal Creek.
The five acre wetland developed adjacent to McDougal Creek replaced existing marsh lands that were affected by the commercial development. This area, now known as the McDougal Wetlands, has become a popular natural area. We are pleased to say it is being used for educational purposes as part of the Wetland Keepers Education Program sponsored through the BC Wildlife Federation.
City of Cranbrook Effluent Spray Irrigation Project, 1978 -1984:
FBC spent three years developing approximately 1,800 acres of city-acquired crown land located about 10 kilometres (six miles) east of Cranbrook. The site was developed as one of the largest effluent spray irrigation sites in western Canada, designed to use effluent - processed and treated water - from the city’s sewage system to produce forage crops for livestock.
The work tasks consisted of clearing timber, grubbing and burning waste wood material. Along the steep terrain the topsoil was stripped to the side, in turn, preparing the ground to be levelled and contoured, making it possible to farm these areas with seeding, haying and forage harvesting equipment.
All fields were designed and landscaped for proper drainage into constructed pond collecting areas. FBC also built and gravelled various access roads needed throughout the project area.